Thursday, January 19, 2006


... or "and you were doing so well!"

A day of moment! Much has happened and it is only 5:30pm...

I got my shots for Hep A, Typhoid, Polio and Tetanus, took the plunge as it were and it's probably €120 well spent in any case.

Then off to bank (an hour late thanks to excruciating wait in the Doc's surgery) to sign for the loan, all seems to have gone swimmingly in that direction at least and the repayments won't kick in until June hopefully.

Then, the first setback of the day!

Salary Admin, who had first, quite of their own volition, spoken of the exciting prospect of front loading my holiday money rang to say "forces" meant that this could not be accomplished. Then, proceeded to put the boot in further by noting that I wouldn't get paid for my last week of work because of problems with the fortnightly system and IT. So that means my last paycheque was yesterday. As Stimpy would say: "Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!"

Still, we all knew there were risks...

Second setback of the day!!!

There have been changes to the flights, just in terms of carriers and timings (in fact, the Las Vegas change is quite beneficial in some ways) but you gets to thinking is this going to be happening while I'm in the middle of Patagonia! I am definitely going to have ring up airline after airline to confirm what I've booked hasn't departed in another form already.

On a related tangent I saw some skiing for five seconds this morning on the TV from Ushuaia at the southern most point of Argentina, looked fantastic, will I make it that far???

So, holiday pay will not now kick in till late April / May and I have to endure the rather decrepid charms of USIT travel agents offices twice more before le depart.

Ok, I'm going to end this orgy of self pity right now and go and exchange money for my Dad who is 51 today.

Still to do:

- Cancel Car Insurance
- Credit Card Protection Plan
- Ear Piercing / New Runners / Assorted Textiles
- Duplicate everything fourfold
- Put together all contact details of various peeps into a nice, neat little package
& a shedload more besides!!!


Blogger eye candy said...

Why get your ear pierced?

7:59 p.m.  
Blogger Christophe said...

It's the closest thing I've got to *ambition*

I used to have my eyebrow done but I want to get the top of my ear pierced, not the lobe job up near the top where it apparently hurts like the bejesus but then you may have more experience in that line than me!!!

So the real question is ynot!

Besides, people will have more to deal with when they see the mohawk!!!


1:38 a.m.  
Blogger eye candy said...

Yes, your ear cartilidge hurts, but not as much as your tongue, or your (my) nipples. The top of the ear hurts about as much as your lebret.

Everyone that I know who has had their eyebrow pierced has had to eventually take it out due to it rejecting.

Mohawk!!! What color is it?

3:50 p.m.  
Blogger Christophe said...

After having had the eyebrow done (don't have it anymore, got it at 19 and it kinda grew out over a year) I seriously don't know how anyone (male /female / shemale) can get their nipples pierced.

That is hardcore.

The labret / lebret (never knew it had a name!) is an idea alright I've been toying with but I think I'll just go with one piercing seeing as it has been a while.

Mohawk has not gone in yet, it will be a dirty blonde not so extreme affair hopefully.

I'll probably do a proper avatar pic before I head off so I might scare u with it then.

4:43 p.m.  
Blogger eye candy said...

I had both nipples done in one day. The girl who did them was teaching a class, so there was a total of five girls in the room, including myself. The one who offered to hold my hand was in awe that I could get them both done at once.

That hurt more than getting my tongue pierced.

You should totally color your mohawk blue.

5:16 p.m.  
Blogger Christophe said...


I used to have it coloured Red.

Let's put it down as a possibility.

5:33 p.m.  
Blogger Lucy said...

Just so you know, I am having your comment tattooed onto my body.

Also, mohawks remind me of the future.

2:03 p.m.  
Blogger Christophe said...

So long as it gets credited to me, I don't have a problem with that.


7:15 p.m.  

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